HTTP Honors the life of George Floyd and Stands in Solidarity with BLM


“HTTP stands in solidarity with the Black community and Afro-Latinos everywhere who are working to confront the deeply embedded structural racism that has seeped into every aspect of American life. We mourn with the family and friends of #GeorgeFloyd, #BreonnaTaylor, #AhmaudArbery, and the many more unnamed victims of systemic prejudice and personal bias. 

Each of us has the power to change, to learn to stretch our circle of consciousness and empathy beyond the bounds of our own circumstance and experience. We do not live in a perfect union, but our union is made more perfect because we are all in it, putting forth thoughtful action that will lead our country down a better path where everyone has access to opportunity, freedom, and justice. 

Today and everyday, Black. Lives. Matter”

--Alejandro Roark, Executive Director, HTTP

Alejandro Roark