A fair, just, and equitable digital economy where every person can connect, create, and thrive.
Our Mission
To promote access, adoption and the full utilization of technology and telecommunications resources by the Hispanic/Latino/a community in the United States through education, advocacy, and by serving as a national voice for Hispanics/Latinos in technology and telecommunications policy.
About HTTP
HTTP is the leading national Latino voice on telecommunications and technology policy. We are a CEO Roundtable of national Latino organizations working to ensure that the full array of technological and telecommunications advancements are available to all Latinos in the United States. Roundtable members are nonprofit organizations that support the social, political, and economic advancement of over 50 million Americans of Hispanic/Latino descent by facilitating access to high quality education, economic opportunity and effective health care through the use of technology tools and resources.
First formed in 1996 as a program of ASPIRA, to ensure that the voices of U.S. Latinos were fully represented in policy discussions surrounding the Digital Divide. Now as an independent 501C(3) organization engaged in promoting equitable policy design, HTTP believes even more strongly today that Latino voices need to be raised and that policy makers must address Latino concerns.
Policy makers can rely on HTTP to provide insight into how telecommunications/technology policy changes impact the Latino community and act as a resource to help ensure the adoption of sound public policy that reduces racial and economic inequalities.
HTTP accomplishes its mission by testifying before Congress and regulatory agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, by developing and distributing community education resources, and by promoting the Latino perspective at policy forums nationwide.
Through its collaborative impact network, HTTP leads policy education efforts at the local, state, and national level.
HTTP Leadership
HTTP’s CEO roundtable of national Latino organizations work in partnership to ensure that the Latino community across the United States has the ability to connect, create, and thrive in our 21st century digital economy. Meet our roundtable members by clicking below.