HTTP Applauds Senate for Making Inclusive Infrastructure a Reality.

Today, the U.S. Senate came together to approve a historic bipartisan infrastructure deal. The 69-30 bipartisan package authorizes a $1 trillion investment to rebuild the nation’s roads and bridges, take action to develop new interventions to address the climate crisis, and includes $40 billion for broadband deployment and $14.2 billion for broadband-affordability measures. 

The following can be attributed to Alejandro Roark, Executive Director of Hispanic Technology & Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP): 

“This bipartisan infrastructure agreement makes it clear that President Biden is committed to addressing and redressing the uneven distribution of essential resources by taking critical steps to make our country’s infrastructure and economy more fair, equitable, and just. 

With over $40 billion allocated to broadband deployment and $14.2 billion focussed on broadband affordability this robust package addresses the most significant barriers stalling broadband adoption for Latino, Black, and indigenous communities of color - access, affordability, and digital preparedness. 

We applaud President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the bi partisan working group for prioritizing broadband buildout to historically unserved and underserved communities, extending the funding capacity of the Affordable Connectivity benefit, and for funding the Digital Equity Act which gives states the tools that they need to make universal broadband a reality. 

HTTP looks forward to continuing to support bipartisan efforts to bridge digital disparities and create meaningful onramps toward digital opportunity. 

We urge the House to continue to move this important work forward and pass this package as soon as possible.”


Alejandro Roark